Thursday, October 11, 2012

Exiled in your own country? better just "wait around and die" Townes Van Zandt and me.

I always felt a foreigner in my own country, I never related to  latin american cultural heritage, and always prefered the Anglo-Saxon culture, specially musically. I truly relate to the views and feelings of certain British and American artists, their sensibility is very similar to mine.

When for the first time I heard "Waiting around to die" by Townes Van Zandt I heard it in a very bad period of my life... I guess I always been slightly more sensitive than the rest, and certain music and certain lyrics do touch me deeply...Townes was one of those very sensitive, delicate beautiful souls, those souls that are too special to stay around longer in this earth...
To be unhappy is hard, and music is a soothing balm in my heart. Townes was an unhappy soul too, and is reflected in his lyrics...doomed love, poverty, drunkness, gambling, etc...he sang about all those romantic themes, and he maked me feel, less miserable,less worthless. When people tell me, "why can you listen music less depresive" they don't understand, that is a question  of "relating" to this sadness, relating to it means,  that your own pain is less heavy over your shoulders...and Townes takes that heavy weight out of me...Scott Walker helps me the same way (but I will talked about him in another blog)...

Townes, through your own pain, you help me to deal with my own pain, and I'm sure others feel the same...Is hard to explain in words...I guess he felt alien in his own land, the way I feel in my own land. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe is my own impression...but God, thank you for your songs!!! and thank you for using my name in your songs "Quicksilver daydreams of Maria"!!

He must be one of the few singer sonwriters who make me weep...sometimes of joy, sometimes of sadness, but non the less he awakes all my feelings and senses...
I could carry on, but I don't want to be a bore.


I love him so bad.


  1. "Do you feel like a remnant
    Of something that's past
    Do you find things are moving
    Just a little too fast.
    Do you hope to find new ways
    Of quenching your thirst,
    Do you hope to find new ways
    Of doing better than your worst."

    Nick Drake - an artist who speaks to me from within the cultural traditions of my own (Anglo-Saxon) culture, yet also as the outsider to the late 20th Century English World that he became increasingly towards the end of his short life. Existence was an agony to him, yet in communicating that desperation so poetically his work can serve as therapy for those who seek it. I guess this is the kind of emotional engagement with music that you have in mind?

    Townes is awesome too and his legacy hasn't yet been mined out quite as ruthlessly as Nick's has in recent years, so a cool rating of 10/10 for blogging about him :-)

  2. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate this....
